The Cpt Manual describes repairs(Closures)(CPT codes 12001-13160) as a simple, intermediate and complex.If closure cannot be completed by using one of the above closure procedures, then adjacent tissue transfer(CPT codes 14000-14350) may be utilized. Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement procedures always include excision(CPT 11400-11646) and repair (12001-13160). It means CPT codes 11400-11646 and 12001-13160 should not be reported separeately with CPT codes 14000-14350 for the same lesion or injury.

If debrediment is necessary to perform tissue transfer, then debrediment is also included in adjacent tissue transfer procedures. Do not report separate debridement (CPT codes 11000, 11040-11042) with adjacent tissue transfer(CPT codes 14000-14350) for same lesion (or) injury.

If skin grafting is also performed with repair  or adjacent tissue transfer, then grafting should be reported separately if grafting is not included in the code descriptor of the adjacent tissue transfer codes.

Procurement  of cultures or tissue samples during a closure is included in the repair or adjacent tissue transfer codes and are not separately reportable.